Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Tradition

Remember when Christmas was magical and the mailman delivered letters to the North Pole and we all had a front row, shoulder-top seat at the holiday parade?? All these wonderful memories live on...and I believe a holiday tradition is just the trick to keep the magic alive.

I remember growing up that we always read The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve. So you can imagine my excitement to discover this recordable storybook from Hallmark. Never fear, this won't replace us actually reading it together every year, but Gavin will now be able to read/listen to it anytime he wants during the holiday.

There is also a new tradition that I would like to share. Some may already have seen or heard of this little elf, but I only learned of his existence a week ago. I liked the idea so I went out and found one. Obviously Gavin will not understand this tradition yet, but I look forward to sharing it with him for years to follow. Hopefully next year he doesn't develop a fear of elves like that of Tigger. I joke because I'm not sure how I feel about this guy watching me all the time. I mean look at him..kinda creepy don't you think?? In a good way...haha

There is a website, that explains the mystery of how Santa knows if you've been bad or good, and how this elf helps him out. This elf, who we will just call Jeff, until Gavin gives him a proper name when he starts talking, comes to stay with us each year sometime after Thanksgiving, until Christmas to keep his eyes on you. He leaves every night to report to the North Pole, then returns again in the morning in a new location in the house to keep watch for Santa. The website also has games and activities and a page where you can register your elf's name into the "North Pole Elf Registry."
We've already read the story together a few times. It may be too early for Gavin to understand the concept, but it's never too early to start reading the story.

1 comment:

  1. Cute elf idea, but I think we need to come up with something that will keep watch all year long, LOL. Just kidding--I'm sure Gavin will love this and be so excited about it next year!
