Monday, December 28, 2009

Mmm Mmm

Remember the book I found to help disguise vegetables into other dishes so kids will eat them? Well, I've been trying it out quite a bit and it is working fantastically! I will hide vegetable purees into all kind of food that Gavin eats, and offer the exact vegetable as a side dish sometimes. I chuckle when he refuses the broccoli or cauliflower, etc, and then gobble up what I've served him. This is way too easy!!

Here is Gavin eating Italian Meatloaf leftovers that are full of turkey, carrots, and celery. He is also learning to use a spoon and/or fork, although most of the time it falls off the utensil and he uses his little hand anyway. He has the concept down.

Some of our favorites so far are:

  • Scrambled eggs (with cauliflower, sour cream and parmesan cheese)
  • Italian Meatloaf (I made it with ground turkey, carrots and celery)
  • Mashed potatoes (with cauliflower)
  • Pancakes (with sweet potato /or pumpkin)
  • Chicken nuggets (battered with beets or sweet potato and then breaded are the two I've tried)
  • Buttered Noodles (with yellow squash)
  • Pink Pancakes (beets)

I've also made chocolate chip cookies with chickpeas and while I don't think they are very good, Gavin eats them up. Also I tried to make some lemon Raspberry Cupcakes with yellow squash and beets. Another one I won't make again. I think I baked them too long too.

But that's how you learn what works and doesn't work, right?

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