Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Toys

Our new Flip!

I haven't had the energy to post the Christmas pics yet, but they are coming. It's been a rough few days. Gavin is teething to the extreme and not handling it gracefully. We discovered teething tablets and other remedies and we are making progress. He has over 7 pearly whites popping through right now :(

He went down for a nap so I took the opportunity to play with our new toy today. We got a flip video camcorder. I had learned of these little gadgets a while aback from my Uncle Mike, but never went and got one. It appears VERY user friendly and it just plugs directly into your computer for download. The plug for the computer pops directly out of the side of the camcorder! You can't lose it! It also comes with a cable to plug it directly into your TV for viewing. How easy can it get! Here is my test video to practice taping, downloading, and sharing. I'll play with the editing and creating and all that fun stuff another time. Like when I know he is going to sleep more than half hour.

Not an exciting little number, but I promise to get our Christmas pictures on SOON!
(and don't mind my narration..I was testing the recording as well) Oh, and I do mean Spring for the bubble mower.

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