Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas in Dayton

On Sunday we traveled to Dayton to conclude our holiday festivities at Aunt Jeanna and Uncle Steve's house. Gavin did a super job in the car ride down and is even in better spirits then past few days. He is still crying out in his sleep occasionally but not waking up.
Be gentle Gavin, this is much nicer than your play set at home. It's amazing how he went for the same pieces he plays with at home though. The angel, cow, momma (Mary) and the sheep.

I love this picture of Daddy and Gavin hanging out reading a new story.
Tim and Mike.
This is the back of Tim's new dress shirt he got for Christmas. No wonder he was willing to "dress" up. I see this going with us on vacation this Spring!

Kristie had a fabulous poem to read that kept everyone paying attention during the gift exchanging process.
I left my gift right next to Mr. Right's right-hand man's, left boot...... omg, someone make it stop! haha

Aunt one has ever been so excited with a Snuggie:)
Hi Mike and Matt!
Worst puzzle ever. I may have kept trying had it been a larger bill in the middle. I still haven't figured it out.
During the white elephant gift exchange, Danny ended up with a collection of 5 and a quarter floppies. They are making a return Dan! Get yourself a Commodore 64 and let's play some Ghostbusters!
What got everyone excited this year to get together was to see little Bennett!! Bennett is my cousin Holly's son. They live out of state and it was there first time traveling so far with the little man.
I'm not sure if Gavin just told him a joke and Bennett thinks it was dumb, or maybe Gavin is smiling at the bomb in his pants and Bennett is saying, Dude, you stink!
It was fun seeing the boys together for the first time! And Holly had the most fabulous teething drops with her that they had been using with B. She let us try them while we were there for the afternoon. Holly, I'd like to bow to you...they have changed our home. We went out last night to get some and for the first time, we ALL slept through the night. Wonderful Wonderful Drops!! And all natural makes them even better. I don't know how they work, but they do!
Mommy and Bennett :)

Everyone say "flying pig house!"

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