Thursday, December 31, 2009

Farewell 2009! It's been fun!

What a crazy year we've had! It's been full of joy, new experiences, exhaustion, and frustration. But that's what it's like to be a new parent, right?!

I'd like to share our past year in review..

Gavin started laughing. I mean really laughing. Straight from the gut. It was wonderful! His belly just shook when he got going:)
He also outgrew his swing. I have a big boy. I love every ounce of him!!
Poor baby got the dreaded RSV and a double ear infection last year...but he recovered quickly.

Chunky monkey started eating "real" food and loved it!!
He also learned to roll over!

Loving the jumper!

Gavin can sit alone. Yeah!

His buddy Kate! They were born the same day. Cousins and buddies!

We also had sorrow this March. We lost a good friend/neighbor. We miss you Holly! Riley is being well taken care of and we know you are watching down on her with many smiles!

Bath time!!
The weather is getting nicer and we are spending more time outside!

Wagon rides are the best!APRIL
Easter was fun.

Gavin learned his new spitty trick.

He also got his first bruise:( What absent minded parents would allow this?! Poor babe! He looks really crazy in this picture!
Aren't feet amazing little attachments! Who knew they could be so fascinating.
Mommy and Daddy also took me SWIMMING!! Awesome!
Daddy's 30th birthday. Say Cheese!
Now this is fun...swimming in a BIG pool!

Hanging out with the cousins..Kate and Avery!
I met a fabulous group of people at good old Fricker's! Many of us still gather once a year, the third week in July, after traveling from many different directions. We have added a new generation...We love the Quarry!!

Splish Splash.

Quarry fun!
I can't wait for Cedar Point! Roller Coasters are a blast!

Mommy's 30th, we took a hayride!

I can walk!First boat trip on Grandpa Bill's boat.

Daddy had to have surgery the day before my birthday. He tore his ACL, but he is going to recover fast!

Happy Birthday baby! Eat some cake!
Balloons are magic!

Happy Halloween! Gavin was Chicken Little this year.

We carved Moose A. Moose.

We also decorated, instead of carving, another pumpkin. Gavin was great at putting the eyes on...and taking them off.

His own pumpkin:)

A trip to the pumpkin patch.
Finally! Gavin is interested in doing projects and fun! We made our first painting today!

Another day we stuck pieces of "everything" to some contact paper. He had a blast this project!

Gavin has demonstrated he is a very tactile learner. He is very hands on everything! He learned quickly to put the balls in this rain spout! love it!
Naturally, we read the Night before Christmas on Christmas Eve. Doesn't mommy look tired. These new teeth have kept us up for quite a few nights.

He was miserable on Christmas (and the prior few days, because of teething) I tired to cheer him up with breakfast.

We also hit the lights at the zoo this year.

I know this is only a mere glimpse of our year in a handbag and I have to say that I wish I could post a gazillion more pictures to share here. (but never fear, I will have many, many, MANY more coming in 2010!)

I feel this year we've been there and done that. (and yes I do know, that I don't even know the half of it)

We've had the sleepless nights. Although we have also been EXTREMELY blessed with a son that started sleeping through the night before two months old. Jealous anyone?!

We managed to learn how to give him his first bath and all the consecutive ones to follow...from baby tub above the sink to the big boy tub that we coax him to stay sitting down in.

We've nervously paced around the room wondering why he won't stop crying.

We've walked and rocked and bounced and sang...and repeated...and repeated...and repeated.

We've managed doctor's visits, vaccinations, several ear infections and even RSV and breathing treatments.

We've traveled many of hours long car rides to visit family.

We've been absurdly proud when he smiles, laughs, rolls over, walks, talks, or masters a new toy.

We've done it. We're parents. And he's alive. He has turned an us into a family!

I think we just might make it:)

Happy New Year Everyone!!

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