Monday, December 28, 2009

A Teething Christmas

Last night was quite a rough night. Gavin woke up every hour or so. I could tell he was miserable, uncomfortable and hurting. I tried giving him Orajel, he hated it. I tried the warm washcloth, cool washcloth, wet washcloth in the freezer for ten minutes, teething rings, letting him chew on his toothbrush, and much to my dismay and frustration, nothing worked. Poor baby's gums were beyond swollen and red, they were almost purple and after chomping down on the washcloth once, were bleeding. I felt awful and had no idea what to do. I gave him a dose of Motrin and rocked with him and sang some Christmas songs. (It's Christmas (very very early) morning after all!) When he finally fell asleep for a bit, I went and researched the Internet. I discover teething tablets by Hyland's are highly recommended. We go get some after brunch when we can find anywhere open. Here is our morning in a nutshell...

Good Morning Gavin! It's Christmas!!
Maybe a fun Santa pancake will cheer you up!
Nope! I don't think he likes whipped cream, besides from feeling awful. I know he loves bananas, pancakes and fruit cups, which make up the rest of this breakfast delight.
OK, so no breakfast, just a big glass of milk. Let's go see if Santa snuck in last night during one of your cat naps.....
He made it!
He went straight over to the block wall.
He sizes it up and then crashes it down.We've now come full circle from waking up. It's been less than an hour. Oh boy....
Tim has already run to the store, but naturally nothing is open..yet. We are lost on how to ease our boy baby's discomfort.
We pack up and head to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas. Here, he naturally starts eating his mini frozen pancakes!
Afterwards he displays the ONLY smile of the day.
While he is eating some breakfast, Tim is busy blowing up his ball pit toy.
He climbed right in after pancakes.
This may have been the happiest he was all day...and you can see he just isn't himself.
Not even cruising around being busy and curious. Just sitting. No sparkle in these eyes today.
No joy today. I've given Tim the opportunity this afternoon to calm him down, as Tim slept through the last 3 nights, and I am exhausted!! I'm just feet away in the chair, wishing I wasn't so tired and more importantly, I could make Gavin feel better.
Here I am. Gavin does take interest in his sing along book for a minute. We will surely have lots of fun with it in weeks to follow:)
He is exhausted, so around 1, he goes down for a nap. Miraculously, he sleeps til just after 3!
This is how he woke up :( Doesn't this just break your heart for him! So so so unhappy.
He comes downstairs and moves around a bit. During his nap, we have found some teething tablets at the one store open in town, and have our fingers crossed for relief. He HATES them. We are trying to make him feel better and I feel like we are torturing him. After calming down, he wants to help Grandpa take pictures.
Grandpa doesn't need any help so we go to play some hoops with one of his new toys while Grandpa finishes up. Can you see the excitement here?? What a happy holiday!

Merry Christmas!! It's one we won't forget.

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