Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Is it time to blog, mom??
I meant to post these pictures yesterday when we put the tree up, but someone insisted on doing a little too much helping as you can see. So we found other activites that were a bit more fun for the little guy.

We were looking for the perfect place to hang the new stockings, since we don't have the old fireplace mantle to hang them. Gavin decided that the staircase looked like a perfect spot.
This is the first year we had stockings. I love this one. We made it at Pottery Barn Kids, and the pictures just don't do the stockings justice. They are fabulous! (I have one for Tim and I....and corny enough, the dogs as well.) Tim did get on my case that I forgot the cat. Oops. Maybe next year Jazzy:)
We also found several singing sensations in our Christmas bag from last year.
Gavin had a ball yesterday playing with the singing mice.

While the snowman and his buddies were cute, they were not quite as exciting. The snowman's hat goes up and down with a little creature that pops up slowly. He would watch it for a few minutes and then go back to playing with the mice.
I have to come to realize that there is always that one toy that is VERY scary to a toddler.
Here it is....the ever-so-scary Tigger in a present! I believe it is the box opening and closing that startles him. He jumps when it snaps open, it really snaps up loud and quick, Tigger will say one of several phrases..and then the box slams shut. Yes, it SLAMS down, making Gavin flinch. At first I thought it was funny but quickly stopped chuckling when the fear was so apparent on my little boys face. He wouldn't even come near the box, and if I reached for it, he would walk, quick as little legs would take him, across the tears.
Here he is across the room checking out the new window ledge decor. I know what he is thinking...."I bet ya I can reach that tree!"
Ohhh Yes he can. But he doesn't try and grab anything or pull on it. He just touches the ends of the branches and loses interest. (Which is fine with me.) I love this tree in the window. I am amazed at how elastic toddlers arms get when they want something. I've learned that I only THINK something is out of reach.
Just chillin in front of the newly assembled lit up tree.
He helped put a few ornaments on the tree with me. He also took a few off.
Admiring the tree.

Last night after all the fun decorating, we sat down on the couch to unwind for a few minutes and he fell asleep in my lap. Still dressed and everything. It was only 7:00. He usually doesn't go to bed until close to 9! I loved every second of it. Tim wanted to take him to bed but I wouldn't let him. Not right away anyway. It's been awhile since I had the joy of holding my sleeping son.

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