Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Miscellany

At this particular moment in time I have a perfectly whelming (not over- or under-) feeling of contentment.

It could be that the weather has changed seasons. I love sweatshirt weather.

...Or, it could be the smile on Gavin's face as he dives into the leaves outside.

...Or, it could be that Tim was home all weekend and that by itself made me smile.

...Or, it could be Tim was home and the dogs were his "business." At least for a couple of days....

...Or, it could be that I made my FINAL car payment last week and it's now all mine.

...Or, it could be leftover excitement of Halloween!! Pumpkins, parades, candy, costumes...I loved it all!

...Or, it could be that I have empty laundry baskets, an empty sink, and an empty trash.

...Or, it could be that I'm feeling much more comfortable at my job and meeting many new people.

...Or, perhaps it is because my interview this morning is complete. I had become very anxious.

...Or, maybe I'm so contented because today is one of those days when I realize just how blessed I am.

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