Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Miscellany

While making dinner last night, I went to the cupboard to discover we didn't have any mushrooms. What? No mushrooms! This has never happened! We always have some in the cabinet. How do I prepare dinner without them? What will this meal be like without the mushrooms?! If you hadn't caught on, we like mushrooms at our house...just a little. In fact, they are a staple in our kitchen.

This had me checking some other things in the fridge, cupboards and pantry. I've been a little busy lately and a few things slip my mind when making runs to Kroger. As in forgetting to pick up garbage bags on trash day. Whoops. That was a big inconvenience, let me tell you!

So I started thinking about what some of our staple items are and thought I would share with you a few things will find in our kitchen at almost all times.

  • Mushroom (we like 'em)

  • Nutella (I can't believe I didn't try this sooner. This stuff is AMAZING)

  • BREAD!

  • Bananas (seriously, we go through them entirely too fast)

  • Garlic (minced)

  • Salsa (I love it--on lots of things)

  • String Cheese (because its super fun!)

  • Kraft Singles (does this one need an explanation?)

  • Pancake mix (flavors may change, but I'd be lost without it)

  • Chicken--of any kind (breasts, nuggets, stuffed, salad strips...)

  • Macaroni and cheese (It's the cheesiest)

  • Tuna fish (love it)

  • fruit cups (because sometimes they are just easier than buying the "real" thing and cutting it up daily)

  • Nestle Quick (chocolate milk is essential)

  • Tortillas (if we have chicken, cheese and salsa at all times AND a quesadilla maker, then it only makes sense to have tortillas for a quick snack...or dinner meal)

There's the basics. I'm sure there are more, but these came to mind immediately. I look forward to doing this again in 6 months or so and seeing what, if anything, changes.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nothing like the last minute!

After hold up after hold up, look who made it home for Thanksgiving!! Nothing like arriving hours before, but we'll take it! Gavin wouldn't let go. Perfect.

You spin me right round

Finally, after over 7 years in a cabinet, I have put my salad spinner that was received as a wedding gift, to use!! I LOVE salad and make them all the time so I haven't the foggiest why I've never used it. Maybe it's because it seems like extra work..something else to wash...I just don't think about it. I don't really know. What I do know, it's PERFECT for spinning paint to look like Turkey feathers!! 

After all that work we needed a snack, of course.
Or maybe not. He was too interested in doing puzzles this evening. His latest accomplishment: he can put 
together a 24-piece puzzle all on his own.
The sweet smile of success!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful in TwentyTen


A lot has happened this year … many ups and downs and all-arounds but, here I am and I’m proud to say I have a list of things for which to be grateful! I can't be certain, but I'm willing to take a chance at saying that I have felt all emotions possible this year. I am still thankful for the same things that I was last year, but some of them hold a deeper appreciation than last year. Reread 2009.

I have a thing for the number five. No reason, I just do.
So, today I’m going to list 5 THINGS I’M THANKFUL FOR::

1) both strength and struggles in life
I have gone through some major hardships, as I know most people have done as well. These struggles are not limited to 2010. I’m constantly amazed at the strength people have when they think they have none left. And they can’t even see it in themselves. People are capable of so much, and if it wasn’t for the struggles, we wouldn’t need our strength — they go hand in hand and I appreciate them both. I can even see the strength in myself if I look really closely, and that makes me insanely thankful because I've felt pretty bad a few times and thought I *might* not have any strength left. But I do, and that’s just awesome!

2) family — including close friends
What would we do without family!! There aren't words or thanks I could give them for all their support and guidance this year. It's been unconditional. I include my close friends in this group in my heart. If I didn’t have them, I’m not sure how I’d survive either.

3) people who speak their mind
Never underestimate the power of your voice. I appreciate when people simply are who they are and tell it like it is. I love honesty and the basics. Sure, it can hurt at times, but it’s also always so helpful — if one is constructive about what’s said. Gossip and speaking up are NOT the same thing. I think it’s fabulous I have friends and family who are close enough and trust me enough to tell me the truth and help me in the process. I could go into detail to explain better, but I’d end up writing a novel, so I think this will have to suffice.

4) my house/my job/my life
We are still going through a rough time, but you know what — I’m alive, I have a job that is proving challenging and rewarding, a darling little boy, and I have a roof over my head with good food on the table. Need I say more?

5) my blog
This one may seem kind of, well, silly, but I am obsessed with taking pictures and documenting everything that I can about our lives. I take pics of G, — anything and everything. I even love taking pictures of pictures to send to Tim. I document everything in my life visually and ‘on paper.’ Just a thing I have. My blog is my virtual scrapbook. I look forward to printing it into a book this year. I will hold these memories for a lifetime.

So, this holiday season, I’m just happy to be happy with what I have. And I’m happy to be able to share it with you all!

The Parade Alternative Alternative

Saturday, November 20th, was the Bowling Green Holiday Parade. You know how much we LOVE parades! Unfortunately, I failed to follow all necessary steps to request off and was scheduled to work. I was so bummed. I had been looking forward to taking Gavin and meeting up with some friends. Ah, life goes on, and I was only supposed to work until noon, which was passed the time-frame of the parade, but I can figure something out, right?! I did PROMISE a little boy a parade. So I talked to some friends and we were going to put on our own parade down the sidewalk! Now doesn't that sound like much more fun?!!  The Indian Summer weather only made it that much more exciting! I couldn't wait. But of course, there are always going to be situations that are out of your control. So rather than noon, I didn't get home from work until nearly 2 o'clock! My friends did not come as we would be playing dangerously now that it was "melt-down, tantrum-throwing" time of day without naps.  But I PROMISED a little boy a parade! So, we did the best we could with what we had. Some red paint, a cardboard box, paper, markers and bear. The day didn't go as I had wished by any means, but I think we did OK. **sidenote, I would like to thank my parents for keeping Gavin a little longer that morning and mom for sacrificing her "getting-ready-for-a-wedding" appointments.**

After painting and crafting (sorry, no pictures of the process this time), we headed out to grab a motor, aka, his wagon and take her for a spin.

I wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity for someone to pull me home either.

We made it back home and continued to take advantage of a spectacular fall afternoon. I even caught a few
waves from him.

He was having so much fun this afternoon that he didn't want to come in for dinner! So I did what any mom
would do...I held out a dum-dum sucker and he came a runnin'!

Wordless Wednesday-Tango

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Miscellany

5 Things I learned this weekend.

1) I learned that I'd rather Gavin wet the bed on weekdays than weekends. Sundays nap was taken on the floor of the living room. I wouldn't actually call it a nap, but he did lay still with his blanket and bear for over an hour watching TV. There weren't enough hours in the morning to get all the errands and laundry done to get his bed made again by noon.

2) I learned there are far too many little crevice details on the bottom of toddler shoes. This little bit of knowledge came to me while I was using toothpicks to clean the bottom of them after my angel trampled through dog doo.

3) I learned that letting Gavin hold a toy in the cart at the store for entertainment does just the trick. However, sneaking toy back on shelf on the way out doesn't work--He DOES notice at checkout and expresses this in tears.

4) I learned that Crayola is the only way to go. Their products are wonderful and the assortment is ginormous!

5) And speaking of Crayola, I learned that Magic Erasers may very well be the greatest invention EVER!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Words of wisdom

The Man in the Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for self

and the world makes you king for a day

Just go to a mirror and look at yourself

and see what that man has to say.

For it isn't your parents - your children - your wife

Who judgement upon you must pass

The fellow whose verdict count most in your life

Is the one staring back from the glass.

Some people may think you a straight-shooting chum

And call you a wonderful guy

But the man in the glass says you're only a bum

If you can't look him straight in the eye.

He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest

For he's with you clear up to the end

And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test

If the man in the glass is your friend.

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of life

and get pats on your back as you pass

But your final reward will be heartaches and tears

If you've cheated the man in the glass.

-Leland Beard-

*I read this on a fellow bloggers site and absolutely love it*

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The dreaded phone call at work

If you don't worry enough when you see your daycare's number on the caller ID, the word stitches can throw you into a slight frenzy. WHAT happened?!

I was in a training meeting so I'm not positive what time they left the message. But once I got it, I rushed back to the office, skipping the free flu shot I was going to get, so I could make arrangements to leave...immediately.

My mind was racing when I called the daycare. Is he ok? It must be bad to have called me at work. Then his teacher tells me that she doesn't think it needs stitches. What? So stitches were a possible thought? I need to get there. Now. She then says that he is doing good. He ate all his lunch and has been playing and running. Ok, so is this something I need to come and take him to get checked out, or is it simply a little boy biting the dust??

I was very fortunate to have my dad nearby and available to run to daycare for me. I wouldn't be able to leave him there and return to work regardless if it was serious or not. If dad calls me and says the word, I will leave in an instant. I admit I felt guilty for not running myself, but as I was saying, if it's only a scratch, then I still wouldn't be able to bring myself to leave him there. Dad calls to tell me it's only a scratch. I'm relieved. He's ok.

After work, which was little more than two hours later, I arrived at daycare to see my little one's wound. I'd describe it as slightly more than a scratch, but definitely not a call for stitches. I am glad they called me, especially since it was a near-the-eye wound. However, I never want to hear the word stitch at work, unless I really have a need to panic. That was scary. I wish I could have been there to comfort his first battle wound. It makes me sad that it happened away from the comfort of mommy...let alone that it happened at all. He's had plenty of bumps and bruises, but this was his first big bleed. (I've learned that facial wounds tend to bleed
more than knees and elbows.) My poor little baby! :(
By the way, it was during playtime that he fell and hit a toy shelf. It's goes from his brow down into his eyelid. It's hard to take a clear picture of an eye, but it's safe to say he's gonna live to see another day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What's brown and sounds like a bell?

I open my eyes, it's 6:07. Crap. We need to be out the door by 7 to get to daycare and work on time.

My senses awake. What is that stench?! I sit up and turn on the light.

CRAP! Seriously. All.over.the.floor!!

Not that I would rather it happen on any other day, but today...when I have 53, no, now only 51 minutes to get dressed and ready, let the dogs out, get Gavin out of bed, dressed, fed, ready and out the door is definitely not the day. This sounds like a long time. Trust me, it certainly is not.

I now get to add cleaning up a bunch of doody!

It's not like I can leave it.

Good thing it turned out to be a gorgeous day to push the windows up and let the fresh air in :)

***and for the answer to my post...What's brown and sounds like a bell??  (said in your best bell sounding voice)  ♪ dung ♪***


Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Miscellany

I can't exactly put my finger on it, but this past week was pretty tough. The weekend wasn't much easier. Gavin stayed with Grandma and Grandpa from Friday night to Sunday afternoon while I worked. I missed seeing him and spending some quality time after such a rough couple of days. So I am happy to share some "sweet" moments from last night.....

After a very pleasant bath we went into the living room to relax a little bit before bedtime. I say pleasant because baths have become quite an ordeal. He currently doesn't like them. One night I placed him in the tub and he literally stood there while I quickly washed him and lifted him out. That fast. And that was an evening that didn't involve screaming. So after getting jammies on and into the living room, I sat on the couch and asked him if he wanted to sit by me and read a story...he said "No." I was crushed. But seconds later, he grabbed a book, sat on his little couch, patted the spot next to him and said, "Here, Mimi." He wanted to sit and read on his couch, but he wanted to share it with me. My heart jumped a bit.

We sat together and read stories and then did a few puzzles. Around 9:00 he attempted to get out his blocks, but unfortunately, it was bedtime. He didn't argue tonight. Instead, he scooped up his bear and blanket and started the walk to his room. On his way he said "night-night" to the kitty, the dogs, and the star (the star is a nightlight in the kitchen). He climbed up in bed and when I went to tuck him in, he jumped up because needed another hug. How could I resist! So I sat on the end of his bed and rocked for what felt like forever. I wanted to savor the moment as he isn't my little cuddler anymore. Once he was satisfied with his hug, which was in all honesty only a minute or two, he crawled up his bed to get bear. But what's this, this is new, he crawled back down his bed so bear could give me a hug and a kiss too. I'm one lucky mommy who is going to bed tonight with a smile:)


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wacky Wednesday- Blue

Why are there blue suckers? And when I was investigating his Halloween basket for hard candy and bubble gum, why didn't I think to take the blue suckers out too?!I took the sucker to make him look at me and smile. He looks a little upset, don't you think? We now know it's possible to smile through a mad face though!...kinda.

Monday, November 1, 2010


See what's missing?
As soon as we arrived home tonight, Gavin noticed immediately. The "lid" was actually on the step. He was crushed. How do you explain to a two-year old that there is a happy squirrel in our yard tonight? He cried. After a very long day, my heart broke for him....

We sat on the step and talked for a couple of minutes. We talked about the pumpkin and the fun we had with it. We talked about the different animals outside and how they search for food everywhere when it's cold. Then, after a big hug, we placed the "lid" where the little jack-o-lantern once sat and went inside for some chocolate milk.

Rossford Halloween Parade

This year we parked near Eagle Point school for the big parade! We should have left home a little earlier. This town was a mad house. But a FUN house! Everyone had super Halloween spirits. Costumes galore. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! We found a place to squeeze in with our buddies and waited for the sirens. As soon as Gavin heard them he was up, ready, and yelling "wee-oo wee-oo!" 
Gavin and Pressly each thought the other had the better bucket, so they switched.  
It didn't take Gavin long to realize that everyone was throwing candy.  
Grandma was in the parade too!
After collecting more candy than he needed, we sat down again to watch the rest of the parade. 
This is the first time I ever remember seeing horses in the parade. 
I also noticed that bikers have some pretty sweet costumes.
This fella just stopped by to say hello.
Thanks Rossford! We had a great time at the parade!