Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Parade Alternative Alternative

Saturday, November 20th, was the Bowling Green Holiday Parade. You know how much we LOVE parades! Unfortunately, I failed to follow all necessary steps to request off and was scheduled to work. I was so bummed. I had been looking forward to taking Gavin and meeting up with some friends. Ah, life goes on, and I was only supposed to work until noon, which was passed the time-frame of the parade, but I can figure something out, right?! I did PROMISE a little boy a parade. So I talked to some friends and we were going to put on our own parade down the sidewalk! Now doesn't that sound like much more fun?!!  The Indian Summer weather only made it that much more exciting! I couldn't wait. But of course, there are always going to be situations that are out of your control. So rather than noon, I didn't get home from work until nearly 2 o'clock! My friends did not come as we would be playing dangerously now that it was "melt-down, tantrum-throwing" time of day without naps.  But I PROMISED a little boy a parade! So, we did the best we could with what we had. Some red paint, a cardboard box, paper, markers and bear. The day didn't go as I had wished by any means, but I think we did OK. **sidenote, I would like to thank my parents for keeping Gavin a little longer that morning and mom for sacrificing her "getting-ready-for-a-wedding" appointments.**

After painting and crafting (sorry, no pictures of the process this time), we headed out to grab a motor, aka, his wagon and take her for a spin.

I wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity for someone to pull me home either.

We made it back home and continued to take advantage of a spectacular fall afternoon. I even caught a few
waves from him.

He was having so much fun this afternoon that he didn't want to come in for dinner! So I did what any mom
would do...I held out a dum-dum sucker and he came a runnin'!

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