Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What's brown and sounds like a bell?

I open my eyes, it's 6:07. Crap. We need to be out the door by 7 to get to daycare and work on time.

My senses awake. What is that stench?! I sit up and turn on the light.

CRAP! Seriously. All.over.the.floor!!

Not that I would rather it happen on any other day, but today...when I have 53, no, now only 51 minutes to get dressed and ready, let the dogs out, get Gavin out of bed, dressed, fed, ready and out the door is definitely not the day. This sounds like a long time. Trust me, it certainly is not.

I now get to add cleaning up a bunch of doody!

It's not like I can leave it.

Good thing it turned out to be a gorgeous day to push the windows up and let the fresh air in :)

***and for the answer to my post...What's brown and sounds like a bell??  (said in your best bell sounding voice)  ♪ dung ♪***


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