Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful in TwentyTen


A lot has happened this year … many ups and downs and all-arounds but, here I am and I’m proud to say I have a list of things for which to be grateful! I can't be certain, but I'm willing to take a chance at saying that I have felt all emotions possible this year. I am still thankful for the same things that I was last year, but some of them hold a deeper appreciation than last year. Reread 2009.

I have a thing for the number five. No reason, I just do.
So, today I’m going to list 5 THINGS I’M THANKFUL FOR::

1) both strength and struggles in life
I have gone through some major hardships, as I know most people have done as well. These struggles are not limited to 2010. I’m constantly amazed at the strength people have when they think they have none left. And they can’t even see it in themselves. People are capable of so much, and if it wasn’t for the struggles, we wouldn’t need our strength — they go hand in hand and I appreciate them both. I can even see the strength in myself if I look really closely, and that makes me insanely thankful because I've felt pretty bad a few times and thought I *might* not have any strength left. But I do, and that’s just awesome!

2) family — including close friends
What would we do without family!! There aren't words or thanks I could give them for all their support and guidance this year. It's been unconditional. I include my close friends in this group in my heart. If I didn’t have them, I’m not sure how I’d survive either.

3) people who speak their mind
Never underestimate the power of your voice. I appreciate when people simply are who they are and tell it like it is. I love honesty and the basics. Sure, it can hurt at times, but it’s also always so helpful — if one is constructive about what’s said. Gossip and speaking up are NOT the same thing. I think it’s fabulous I have friends and family who are close enough and trust me enough to tell me the truth and help me in the process. I could go into detail to explain better, but I’d end up writing a novel, so I think this will have to suffice.

4) my house/my job/my life
We are still going through a rough time, but you know what — I’m alive, I have a job that is proving challenging and rewarding, a darling little boy, and I have a roof over my head with good food on the table. Need I say more?

5) my blog
This one may seem kind of, well, silly, but I am obsessed with taking pictures and documenting everything that I can about our lives. I take pics of G, — anything and everything. I even love taking pictures of pictures to send to Tim. I document everything in my life visually and ‘on paper.’ Just a thing I have. My blog is my virtual scrapbook. I look forward to printing it into a book this year. I will hold these memories for a lifetime.

So, this holiday season, I’m just happy to be happy with what I have. And I’m happy to be able to share it with you all!

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