Monday, November 1, 2010

Rossford Halloween Parade

This year we parked near Eagle Point school for the big parade! We should have left home a little earlier. This town was a mad house. But a FUN house! Everyone had super Halloween spirits. Costumes galore. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! We found a place to squeeze in with our buddies and waited for the sirens. As soon as Gavin heard them he was up, ready, and yelling "wee-oo wee-oo!" 
Gavin and Pressly each thought the other had the better bucket, so they switched.  
It didn't take Gavin long to realize that everyone was throwing candy.  
Grandma was in the parade too!
After collecting more candy than he needed, we sat down again to watch the rest of the parade. 
This is the first time I ever remember seeing horses in the parade. 
I also noticed that bikers have some pretty sweet costumes.
This fella just stopped by to say hello.
Thanks Rossford! We had a great time at the parade!

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