Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Miscellany

I can't exactly put my finger on it, but this past week was pretty tough. The weekend wasn't much easier. Gavin stayed with Grandma and Grandpa from Friday night to Sunday afternoon while I worked. I missed seeing him and spending some quality time after such a rough couple of days. So I am happy to share some "sweet" moments from last night.....

After a very pleasant bath we went into the living room to relax a little bit before bedtime. I say pleasant because baths have become quite an ordeal. He currently doesn't like them. One night I placed him in the tub and he literally stood there while I quickly washed him and lifted him out. That fast. And that was an evening that didn't involve screaming. So after getting jammies on and into the living room, I sat on the couch and asked him if he wanted to sit by me and read a story...he said "No." I was crushed. But seconds later, he grabbed a book, sat on his little couch, patted the spot next to him and said, "Here, Mimi." He wanted to sit and read on his couch, but he wanted to share it with me. My heart jumped a bit.

We sat together and read stories and then did a few puzzles. Around 9:00 he attempted to get out his blocks, but unfortunately, it was bedtime. He didn't argue tonight. Instead, he scooped up his bear and blanket and started the walk to his room. On his way he said "night-night" to the kitty, the dogs, and the star (the star is a nightlight in the kitchen). He climbed up in bed and when I went to tuck him in, he jumped up because needed another hug. How could I resist! So I sat on the end of his bed and rocked for what felt like forever. I wanted to savor the moment as he isn't my little cuddler anymore. Once he was satisfied with his hug, which was in all honesty only a minute or two, he crawled up his bed to get bear. But what's this, this is new, he crawled back down his bed so bear could give me a hug and a kiss too. I'm one lucky mommy who is going to bed tonight with a smile:)


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