Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Miscellany

While making dinner last night, I went to the cupboard to discover we didn't have any mushrooms. What? No mushrooms! This has never happened! We always have some in the cabinet. How do I prepare dinner without them? What will this meal be like without the mushrooms?! If you hadn't caught on, we like mushrooms at our house...just a little. In fact, they are a staple in our kitchen.

This had me checking some other things in the fridge, cupboards and pantry. I've been a little busy lately and a few things slip my mind when making runs to Kroger. As in forgetting to pick up garbage bags on trash day. Whoops. That was a big inconvenience, let me tell you!

So I started thinking about what some of our staple items are and thought I would share with you a few things will find in our kitchen at almost all times.

  • Mushroom (we like 'em)

  • Nutella (I can't believe I didn't try this sooner. This stuff is AMAZING)

  • BREAD!

  • Bananas (seriously, we go through them entirely too fast)

  • Garlic (minced)

  • Salsa (I love it--on lots of things)

  • String Cheese (because its super fun!)

  • Kraft Singles (does this one need an explanation?)

  • Pancake mix (flavors may change, but I'd be lost without it)

  • Chicken--of any kind (breasts, nuggets, stuffed, salad strips...)

  • Macaroni and cheese (It's the cheesiest)

  • Tuna fish (love it)

  • fruit cups (because sometimes they are just easier than buying the "real" thing and cutting it up daily)

  • Nestle Quick (chocolate milk is essential)

  • Tortillas (if we have chicken, cheese and salsa at all times AND a quesadilla maker, then it only makes sense to have tortillas for a quick snack...or dinner meal)

There's the basics. I'm sure there are more, but these came to mind immediately. I look forward to doing this again in 6 months or so and seeing what, if anything, changes.

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