Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Miscellany

5 Things I learned this weekend.

1) I learned that I'd rather Gavin wet the bed on weekdays than weekends. Sundays nap was taken on the floor of the living room. I wouldn't actually call it a nap, but he did lay still with his blanket and bear for over an hour watching TV. There weren't enough hours in the morning to get all the errands and laundry done to get his bed made again by noon.

2) I learned there are far too many little crevice details on the bottom of toddler shoes. This little bit of knowledge came to me while I was using toothpicks to clean the bottom of them after my angel trampled through dog doo.

3) I learned that letting Gavin hold a toy in the cart at the store for entertainment does just the trick. However, sneaking toy back on shelf on the way out doesn't work--He DOES notice at checkout and expresses this in tears.

4) I learned that Crayola is the only way to go. Their products are wonderful and the assortment is ginormous!

5) And speaking of Crayola, I learned that Magic Erasers may very well be the greatest invention EVER!

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