Sunday, November 14, 2010

The dreaded phone call at work

If you don't worry enough when you see your daycare's number on the caller ID, the word stitches can throw you into a slight frenzy. WHAT happened?!

I was in a training meeting so I'm not positive what time they left the message. But once I got it, I rushed back to the office, skipping the free flu shot I was going to get, so I could make arrangements to leave...immediately.

My mind was racing when I called the daycare. Is he ok? It must be bad to have called me at work. Then his teacher tells me that she doesn't think it needs stitches. What? So stitches were a possible thought? I need to get there. Now. She then says that he is doing good. He ate all his lunch and has been playing and running. Ok, so is this something I need to come and take him to get checked out, or is it simply a little boy biting the dust??

I was very fortunate to have my dad nearby and available to run to daycare for me. I wouldn't be able to leave him there and return to work regardless if it was serious or not. If dad calls me and says the word, I will leave in an instant. I admit I felt guilty for not running myself, but as I was saying, if it's only a scratch, then I still wouldn't be able to bring myself to leave him there. Dad calls to tell me it's only a scratch. I'm relieved. He's ok.

After work, which was little more than two hours later, I arrived at daycare to see my little one's wound. I'd describe it as slightly more than a scratch, but definitely not a call for stitches. I am glad they called me, especially since it was a near-the-eye wound. However, I never want to hear the word stitch at work, unless I really have a need to panic. That was scary. I wish I could have been there to comfort his first battle wound. It makes me sad that it happened away from the comfort of mommy...let alone that it happened at all. He's had plenty of bumps and bruises, but this was his first big bleed. (I've learned that facial wounds tend to bleed
more than knees and elbows.) My poor little baby! :(
By the way, it was during playtime that he fell and hit a toy shelf. It's goes from his brow down into his eyelid. It's hard to take a clear picture of an eye, but it's safe to say he's gonna live to see another day.

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