Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween TwentyTen!

It's here! Halloween Day! Time for carving pumpkins, parading and trick-or-treat!
Let's start with the pumpkin carving shall we?

Gavin carefully watches Daddy cut the top off and scrape out the inside.  
After a few minutes of observations, he runs to find his little pumpkin he recieved at daycare, climbs up to the
table and grabs a pumpkin knife.
I can do this guys!

Well, not quite. Let us help you get the top off, please. You may be able to stab the pumpkin, but let's not risk any injuries on this splendid day.

Scooping out the insides.

Tim said they were much slimier than a regular pumpkin. Ick!


After pumpkin carving, we ate a quick-lunch and headed to Rossford for the BIG HALLOWEEN PARADE! (I'm going to do a separate post full of pictures for this one...there are so many!) We had a great time there, with firetrucks, Halloween floats,  dancers, the marching band, gymnasts, and GRANDMA too...oh so much fun! Did I mention candy? Why on earth any of these kids need to trick or treat after this parade is baffling!

Ok, so the parade is over and a much-needed nap is next. Only to wake up and immediately get back in costume for trick or treat. Yay! I had a busy little boy today. This is his first "real" trick or treat. I'm so excited! Gavin, however, is smarter than me when it comes to filling up his bucket. Instead of walking with daddy towards the neighbors, he walks over to our bowl full of candy to pass out and starts filling his own bucket. Nice.

Finally, on his way next door. "Bye by Mimi," he says.

He's back. He went to FIVE houses. That's plenty for a little scarecrow, but boy did he make out like a bandit. He had a full bucket (thanks neighbors), play-doh, crayons, pretzels, and even a new truck (belated
birthday present from next door.)
Let's see all your stuff, Bubba! Wow!

How about you pick something out and we put the rest away for later? Maybe? Please. Oh good, you chose
a sucker.

Now let's go in and eat mommy's feeble attempt at a non-candy Halloween snack before bedtime.

I did say feeble. They are mummies if you can't tell....hahaha. A mummy wrapped hot dog, and if the cheese didn't melt so much, you would have notice the "strips" on the pizza bagel.

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