Monday, November 1, 2010

I should have read the disclaimer.

Saturday evening we headed to Grand Rapids to attend the parade. I was excited to dress Gavin up and watch the vehicles head down Main Street. A friend of mine had filled me on this event as she was also going to attend. In her defense, she texted me Saturday afternoon, to say "I've learned they aren't getting the fire trucks out this year...and I've never been to this, so not sure what to expect." A parade with no fire trucks?? This should have thrown up a much bigger red flag.

After eating dinner, we rushed to Grand Rapids to join the festivity.....or what we quickly learned, lack there of....

This is Main Street at 7pm.
 Where's the parade? We arrived in time to see police cars blocking off traffic and TONS of kids in costumes lining up to start walking. But that was it. We jumped in and started marching with the rest anyway, all 200 yards to the fire station. This is where it ended. In actuality, this was a simple costume parade for kids to be judged in front of the fire house. Hmmm, not exactly something I would have rushed 25 minutes away from home to do, but Gavin looked awfully cute, and we were already here, so we participated.
Gavin looks pretty interested in seeing all the commotion up ahead, doesn't he? We had to wait a few minutes until they called his "category." They had 2 categories for the 3 and under bracket: scariest and cutest costume. I should have taken him up for the scariest..."scare" crow?? No?

Only two tots were parading for that group. Now cutest costume....there were several! We jumped in the circle and paraded around a few times. I thought for sure he had a chance. Just look at him, he's A-DOR-A-BLE! I think it was rigged. First place went to a dalmatian. Ironic that a dalmatian (bag purchased, no doubt) would win first in front of a fire house, isn't it? I'm very happy to say that my friend's son came in 3rd. He was the cutest little fireman, complete with a personalized Chief Jacket and a wagon turned fire truck WITH a working red light! Now that is a cool costume. That took time and creativity. What I feel should be a
major factor in the judgement decision.
Pretty cute, don't you agree!

Her darling daughter came in second for the youngest person in costume at 10 months old. The youngest was
3 months.
What a cute kitty! 
And a snuggly one this evening as well :)
So while the evening wasn't even close to what I had anticipated, I was able to talk with a great old friend and give Gavin an extra night parading around in his costume. He had a sucker...his night was fantastic! 
Not to mention, it was a BLUE sucker...even more the merrier!

While it's not an event I would keep in the books for next year, it sure beat sitting at home!

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