Sunday, November 8, 2009

A day with Daddy

Well....Mommy had to work today. She picked it up a few weeks ago when her coworker planned her honeymoon. And a few extra bucks is a few extra bucks. What she didn't realize is that the weather was going to be BEAUTIFUL!! A great day to be outside! We have very few days left before it gets cold and we are trying to make the most of them. I don't see any more extra shifts being picked up for quite some time though. So I'm glad overall that I was able to work the few shifts I could snag and get some "catching" up. The good news is that Tim goes to his surgeon on Wednesday and believes that he will be released to go back to work. The debate now is whether he waits til Monday to start fresh or goes in immediately on Thursday. I vote for a fresh week. Tim, however, is going stir crazy and anxious to get back to work.

Tim did get to spend a FULL day alone with Gavin today. The past month, Grandma and Grandpa Ivoska have taken him for hours in the afternoon while I work so Tim didn't over -work his knee and injure himself. Gavin is quite the mover now and needs to be chased around everywhere. Today they played outside, and even went for a very long walk! They stopped by Grandma and Grandpa Johnson's to say hello! They were very happy to see the little guy and even gave some him pretzels. Gavin loved them, and it's better than candy:)

Gavin is also breaking in some molars! Let me tell you...we were VERY lucky the first 6 teeth. They seemed to come in magically. These big white pearls in the back are causing some discomfort. That is for sure. Poor guy has even cried out in his sleep. He is handling it like a champ though and overall being a very smiley tot! Once again, popsicles are magic:)

A very generous customer of mine decided last year to send Gavin his first tractor. This is the first time we actually had it out that he has been old enough and stable enough to sit on it alone. He can almost reach the pedals, by Spring, I am sure he will be riding it down the sidewalk:)

Our little farmer!!

I think there may be some bad news for daddy getting back to work and picking Gavin up himself here shortly. I believe someone is going to miss picking him up... and someone else getting picked up everyday. Because isn't it obvious that somebody LOVES his Grandma:) I love this pic!

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