Monday, November 2, 2009

First Masterpiece

Those that know my schedule know that Mondays have always been mommy and Gavin day. We hang out together and play, read, run errands, etc. However, now that daddy is not working, there isn't any errands to run, and it's getting slightly more difficult to keep a 1-year old entertained in the house. After all, it's not fair to go anywhere and leave daddy home alone on our fun day. (Daddy goes back to dr this week so we will see how quickly he might be back to work)

But what kind of activites can you do with a one-year old. I like to make things, but what doesn't involve scissors, glue, small (non-edible) pieces, and the like, you ask?? Well, thanks to my friend Kel, and her recommendation to check out the family fun website...I found something!

While this activity didn't turn out quite the way I had imagined it didn't turn into a disaster either.
I had left over felt material from the pumpkin we decorated, I cut out some pictures of Gavin, some pictures from a toy catolog..and I cut up a calender and some ribbon. When going to the store to buy some Con-Tact Paper, grabbed some feathers. So with some left over blue painters tape, and our little collection of goodies, I taped up the paper and hoped Gavin would become interested in making a collage.

First thing we did, was let him touch the paper. Sticky. Not sure how well he liked it at first. He didnt get excited or upset. It took me sticking 3-4 things up before he quite grasped what I was showing him to do. He liked to take the felt off the wall as much as he did putting it up. This has been a trend for a while, if you recall the eyes on the pumpkin. But learning his learning.
He would occasionally get bored, or see something more interesting to go play push a diaper box around the living room, but after an hour and a half, he stood and admired his very first creation!! We encouraged him to keep putting things up and even pointed to the top to help get a few pieces there.
What does one do with such a beautiful piece?? Well, I think I'm going to take another piece of Con-Tact paper to the front and kind of "seal" it up. If I can find a cheap plastic frame, you may find it hanging somewhere if you stop by our home:)

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