Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I am thankful...

Thanksgiving! There is always something to be thankful for..
I would like to take the time to reflect and be thankful for all my blessings. Sometimes, I don't take the time to stop and think about how wonderful things in my life truly are. I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of...well, ...life.

*I am thankful for my husband, Tim. For better or worse, we have been strong. He "gets" me. We have shared together the last ten years and I couldn't ask for a better partner. He is a wonderful man and an amazing father.

*I am thankful for my son, Gavin. I have a remarkable little boy who has shown me the meaning of unconditional love to another level. He brightens my day just by being here. He is a happy and healthy little boy and now a curious little explorer:)

*I am thankful for my parents. They have helped out in ways I can never thank them enough. They have offered assistance, guidance, and support my entire life.

*I am thankful my brothers have become independent young men. Way to succeed Mike and Matt! I'm also thankful to have added many brothers and sister-in-laws and nephews into my life. It's wonderful to have so much family!

*I am thankful to be employed!! While I may not have the dream job, it has allowed me to buy my own home, but food on the table, and support us. The same goes for Tim. Job security is an amazing feeling.

*I am thankful Tim had a super recovery from knee surgery and was welcomed back to work easily.

*I am also thankful that Tim is in school. I never thought I would see the day. But to better our lives, he has attended. And believe it or not....he likes it:)

*I am thankful for our home. While it may be small, we have spent time remodeling and decorating it to make it our own. We have a wonderful place to live and will treasure many memories here...even after we have moved to a new place.

*I am thankful for friends. New and old. Everyone gets busy with work, school, children and the like. To know I can run into them, or pick up the phone and chat, as if no times has passed, is comforting.

*I am thankful for the Internet (corny, I know) but sites such as this one, babysites, facebook..etc.., has allowed me to keep in touch with people that I may not run into often enough. I love to share stories and photos. Shopping has also become bareable again online, not to mention online bill pay!

*I am thankful for patience. Without it, I would most definitely lose my mind.

*Last but not least, I am thankful for sleep. I am completely quoting my friend when I say, some days, it doesn't come soon enough:)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! Remember your blessings!

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