Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween day!

Today is Halloween!! Halloween has always been one of my favorite times of the year! I love to plan costumes, sometimes make them myself, and get dressed up and go out for a night. Just ask Tim, he is always a good sport and puts on whatever I concoct for the evening:) This year we were very excited to do pumpkins and dress up Gavin...(I am a little sad to not dress up myself, but the time will come again). This past month has been very hectic and chaotic as far as "free" time is concerned. I fully intend to get us all dressed up again next year!

Now while this past week has been absolutely's only natural that come Halloween the temperature would suddenly drop. However, it wasn't too cold to spend a little time outside in the leaves!! At first, Gavin found the leaves ok. We raked up a big pile in the front yard before Grandma and Grandpa came over for pictures. Then when we were all ready to go outside, we tossed him in the center. He just sat there. No emotion. No smile. Nothing. Then he slowly started sinking backwards.

So we tried to move some leaves around him and toss some in the air to get him to look and get a good smile. Instead, we got this.... Leaves are scary I guess.

But if mommy and daddy get down with me, it's a great time!!

So here we are dressed up and ready for trick or treat...on the EDGE of the leaf pile. Because the edge is ok. Not scary at all!! Can't quite get a smile, but he is definitely looking at something in the yard.
C'mon already dad!! Lets go outside and trick-or-treat!

Ready to go trick or treating...or just say hi to neighbors:)

It's bit chilly, as you can see my red nose, but we still stayed out for a wee bit. We saw many great costumes (maybe some homemade ideas for next year as well) Gavin even stayed out and waved to kids collecting candy before it was time for his dinner. He must have been having more fun then we even thought, because he went to bed at 9 and still slept til almost 8..time change included!!

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