Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

What a wonderful Thanksgiving we had this year! Thank you Aunt Jeanna and Uncle Steve for having us all over! And Jeanna...the butter was very much a conversation piece:)

I can't believe it's ....turkey butter??

When we finally arrived after the car ride, we were ready for a snack. Little did we realize the repercussions of some cheese the next day :/

Only the cutest of men get to sit between two hot girls:)

Turkey time?!

I got it dad!

No really, I can do it myself!

Time to make Gingerbread houses!

Step 1. taste test every piece of the house.

Step 2. taste candy.

Mommy and daddy put the house together.

Who needs candy when mommy had fruit loops in her bag:)

While Gavin is a bit young, mommy got into it and wanted to finish the house. Aunt Jeanna helped do a side too:)

Now here is a pro gingerbread house decorater! Do you see the nerds in between all the bottle caps??!! Now that is some dedication and patience.

Now after the ginger fun...we needed a new focus. Anyone seen the youtube video of cell phones making kernels of corn pop?? well...yes, we tried it...and no, it didn't work. Stupid youtube.

So the girls decided to go and see the flower shop!! It's so pretty there! Especially at Christmas time! (I've only been there at Christmas, but I am blown away by it) I was lucky enough to have them do the flowers at my wedding, and they were on Extreme Makeover Home Edition last month!!

Poinsetta anyone:)

And naturally, we forgot to take the pack-and-play with us, not that he would have gone down with all the excitement, but when all the ladies went to see the shop...I returned to this. Perfect end to a perfect day:)


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