Monday, November 23, 2009

Family Resemblance.....

This weekend was Grandma Ivoska's birthday!! We went and surprised here early! Maybe even a little too early....because we got to hang out while she got in the shower..haha. Uncle Matt wasn't able to be there because he went to the big exciting Browns vs Lions game! We finally were able to see Uncle Mike for an afternoon though! :)

We had a wonderful afternoon doing absolutely nothing! It was great!
Grandma loved here new kindle! I want one too! But I think I want a video camera first:)
Gavin hung out and played. He walked around the house and rode his horse a bit. He also became strangely attached to his orange vest as if it was a security blanket. Glad it didn't last!

While we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house we were talking about Gavin's red hair. It led us to get out some old pictures of Uncle Mike when he was a baby. It's scary, but I see a very big resemblance! Gavin looks like Uncle Mike!

After a few baby pics, I was ready to pull out Mike's two year old pics to see what Gavin may look like next year:) haha.

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