His first week back to work the trailer that his shop uses was stolen from out front of their place. Now this isn't just any trailer, it has been customized to be the best use for their (Jordan Power) equipment. Actually, it wasn't stolen this week, but the end of last week. Tim's boss didn't report it stolen at first because he thought maybe one of the guys had borrowed it for their own personal use. Which they do occasionally do. But always with permission.
Now I am not sure what made Tim look for it on Craigslist, but sure glad he had a hunch, because he found it. His boss called the seller pretending to be interested in it and had him describe the custom diamond plating and the lower mounting/hitch/ something or other. I obviously don't know my customization of trailer's. The seller described it very well.
They make the police report and send in the Craiglist info, and the next day Perrysburg detectives are on the scene of the seller. The detectives are on the phone with Tim's boss and asking him to describe the stolen trailer. He is able to describe every last part of it. Even where their logo was stickered on it. Naturally the thieves removed the stickers with the company logo, but they failed to remove the glue backing of the exact size and location where they were.
How dumb!
Before the end of the day, the trailer is back where it belongs and the guys are very excited to have solved the case. Way to go Super Sleuths!
Always check Craiglist when things are stolen, because odds are, whoever stole from you isn't too bright and listed it there. I mean, they obviously weren't bright to have stolen it in the first place, right?!
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