Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Buckaroo and Bendaroo kinda morning

This morning was a tired one, folks. I should have had lots of energy after 9 hours of sleep, but I didn't. I can't shake this cold...and neither can Gavin. So we took our time getting ready. We delayed breakfast and getting dressed and we played. Sometimes it's OK to do that. Especially on my day off of work. Sure, I have lots of things to get done. But they can wait. It's not like they are going anywhere.

The first thing Gavin attacked after a good morning hug were his Bendaroos from Grandma. This was a gift he was able to open on his actual birthday.
(As if he didn't get enough presents at his party.)

Last night, we opened them up, pulled all the colors out of the bag, peeled them from their packaging paper and put them in a tupperware.

This morning, this vicious hippo is about to eat this well-proportioned giraffe. Guess he wasn't willing to wait for pancakes....ha ha, hardy-har-har.
Ahhh, I love the fake smiles.
That's better.
Jazzy likes the Bendaroos too. But Gavin isn't too keen on sharing them.
"No, kitty. These are not for you!"
The box says they are for ages 3+ but I don't see Gavin making anything yet.
He HAS however, become an excellent ring maker.

He asked Mommy for a lion before pancakes.
I obliged.

This game came all the way from Alpharetta, GA! Cousin Avery sent Gavin a birthday gift through the mail.
Gavin LOVES getting mail! So a present in the mail? Oh boy, howdy, did this ever make his day!

The game is simple. Bullseye, the horse, attaches to the base. Then you push down his hind legs and push on his tail to "lock" him down. Carefully put on his saddle and then you hang things from him. But be careful, if you push too hard, his back legs come bucking up sending your pieces flying everywhere! There are three different difficulty levels. Although, I don't see three when playing. Either it's easy as cake to hang everything off the saddle without any bucking, or the back legs fly before you even get the saddle on.
But Gavin likes to play with it. He prefers the easy level where he can hang everything on, then intentionally push the back of the saddle to fling the pieces. If they fly up beforehand....well...we have anger issues.
Yee-haw, Bullseye.

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