Saturday, October 1, 2011


Today we headed to MacQueens!
We didn't even realize it was the annual Apple Butter Fest weekend!
What a special treat!
Home of the apple trees and this guy stirring APPLE BUTTER!! YUM!
 We immediately saw a Sand Art table. 
I think we are about sand-arted out after today.
Then we wandered over to the stallions for a ride.
Giddy-up cowboy!
 I walked along next to him, but he was riding solo this trip.
(no hands from mom)
 Meet Bam-Bam, the pony.

He fed some goats.
Then we could have ridden a camel, but Gavin had a more exciting idea....
He spotted a large hill over the bridge that was PERFECT for rolling down.

After a quick bite to eat we headed out to the orchard to get what we came for!
 Red Delicious Apples!!
 The best ones grow high, you know.
So up on the shoulders, with a little assistance from Grandpa, he went.
 It's not as easy as it would seem to have forty + pounds of wiggling and yanking from your neck.
 But he found the best ones and we had a great time!

No, THANK YOU, MacQueens! We look forward to another trip :)

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