Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The pirate pumpkin that took down Uncle Ronny


 We are so lucky to have Uncle Ronny! While Tim is away, he comes over on the weekends to let the dogs out while I work. I can call him pretty much anytime. ...let's say when my washing machine overflows, the basement is pooling with water, gutters need cleaned out, my car is making a funny noise, etc
Today he stopped by to mow our grass! Oh, bless you, Uncle Ron!

Afterwards, he came in to hang out for a few minutes.
We decided it would be great to decorate Gavin's pumpkin with the potato head pumpkin kit he received as a gift from one of my co-workers for his birthday.
This was my idea because I couldn't shove the pieces in the thick pumpkin without the use of a knife.
Turns out.....neither could Uncle Ronny.
Being VERY careful. Knives are dangerous!
See that stem on top? It started to be cut off to fit the hat over it.
And then our night got a little more interesting.
The knife slipped...as I have done myself numerous time chopping stuff up...and went straight into Uncle Ron's hand! I told you knives were dangerous. Honestly, I didn't think to bad about it. He ran to the sink and put it under water. I grabbed the peroxide and bandages, if needed. No big deal, right? Like I said, I've slipped the knife into my own hand several times. Rinse it off and continue business.....

Not this time.

Uncle Ronny went to stand up and completely FAINTED in my kitchen! All six foot two inches and two hundred-ish pounds of him! It happened so quickly that I didn't see if he smashed his face on the table on his way down. Gavin ran away and curled up on the couch. I jumped over to Ron to see if he was OK! Luckily, he came to immediately. He now needed some paper towels for his FACE....not his hand. Yikes! Soon as he sat up, I ran to check on Gavin. Scary stuff to a tot. I assured him Uncle Ron was alright, and that he just fell down and I would be riiiight back.

Back to Ron. He has no recollection of falling. (Is this normal for fainting?) I don't know. I've never fainted, nor seen anyone faint. Should I call someone?  He says no. His dad lives couple blocks away.... want me to call him? No, he's not home. OK, What can I do? He needs air. OK, Let's go sit on the back porch. It's chilly out. The cold air might help. 
After about ten-fifteen minutes, Uncle Ron comes back inside to sit on the couch. His nose is bruised (broken?) and it's puffing up between his eyes and he has a massive headache (concussion?) Did he smoke his face on the table after-all??

Please sit and stay awhile. Want us to drive you to hospital? Home? YOU are not driving right now.

He hangs out for another 30-40 minutes then decides to head home. He's alert and making sense, so I feel it's OK. Let me know when you get home!

Update later is that he DID go get checked out. Nothing is broken. Face AND hand are fine.

And the pumpkin looks GREAT!
By the way, I have to work ALL weekend, Uncle Ron. Hope you can stop over again :)

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