Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This little piggy

Everyday at school, Gavin comes home with another art project. I am so pleased that the teachers do crafts with the kids, as well as a lesson of some sort, to go along with it.
Lately, they have been doing barnyard animals.
Today was pigs.
Pigs like mud.
 Me: What do piggies say?:
Gavin: "Oink!"
Me: Where do piggies live?"


Me: "Do they live at the zoo?"
Gavin: "No."
Me: "Do they live at the park?"
Gavin: "No."
Me: Do they live in a cave?"
Gavin: "No Mommy, that's silly. BEARS live in a cave!"
Me: "Oh goodness, you're right!" Well, what do piggies eat?"
Gavin: "Chickens."

Now this is something I didn't know ....
Me: "You sure?"
Gavin: "Yes."
Me: "What do piggies like to do?"
Gavin: "They like to eat food."
Me: "The chickens?"
Gavin: "No, they eat grass toooooo!"
Of course??
Me: "What else?"
Gavin: "They like mud."
Me: "Do you like mud?"
Gavin: "NO!"
Me: "Why not?"
Gavin: "Because."
This is a new response that is used often :(
Me: "Because why?"
Gavin: "Because I'm not a piggy!" "Piggies run from bears. I run from bears too."

The conversation pretty much ended at this point 

Our attention went to his bedroom to search for something.
Found it!
This little piggy said "Weeeeeeeeeee!"
I'm still trying to use up the 4 bags of buns we have left over from his party. Surprisingly, they are all still good.....for now. All this talk about piggies had me wanting some ham and cheese. So I made the sandwiches, covered them in foil and popped them in the oven for ten minutes. 
The pig idea was there....
But he looks maybe Chinese...
Or one of the pigs from Angry Birds.....

Eating grass.
Whatever he looked like.....he was good :)

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