Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Giveaway

Hey kids!! Bring along various canned goods or imperishable food products, and receive a free pumpkin! Face painters, jugglers, Happy the Clown, goodies, treats, and more! At the Witzler-Shank Funeral Home in Perrysburg! All donated food benefits the Perrysburg Christians United.

We were there with our backpacks on!
Had it not been so chilly and extremely windy, we would have walked today.
 Pressly came! 
"Oh Pressly!! I've missed you soooo much! Let's not let this much time go between visits ever again!!
 Heading inside
  Food drive collection thus far....
 There were decorations and baskets of candy abound.
 Fist stop...cookie decorating!
 Mmmmm, sprinkles!
 Chances of getting these two to stand next to each other and smile at the same time....zilch.
 Next stop was to get kidprint ID's made. Wood County Sheriff, Mark Wasylyshyn, himself, was taking pictures and handing out IDs.
 Waiting for his to print.
 Happy the Clown was making very creative balloon creations.
 However, Gavin and Pressly both chose a simple pink.
 Outside, were the FIRETRUCKS!!!
YES!!! Gavin actually got in one!
 Looking at the ambulance and other vehicles.
 This year the turkey didn't make it. Apparently he developed a mean streak after last year and was invited to Thanksgiving dinner this year.
So we enjoyed petting the bunny.
 And a goat.
 Then we picked out our pumpkins! And the nice man let them each take a small pumpkin too.
 Pressly found this awesome soft, green, almost moldy looking one....
(she picked a new one, no worries)
These baskets weren't the pumpkins to be chosen from...yet these two, found them.
Checking out the sheriff's car on the way out.
As long as I find you in the front seat, Gavin...we don't have any problems ;)
Now to head home for lunch and a nap!

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