Monday, October 31, 2011

Swiper! Nooooo, swiping!

That is what we heard over and over again from kids on the floats at the annual Rossford Halloween Parade!
It's always fun to hear so many comments on his costume....even one I didn't make this year.
His bff/gf Pressly came as Dora. 
How cute are they?!
 We rode together to get some parking and a good spot near the elementary school.
Turns out....NOT early enough. Luckily, my parents are awesome and were in town hours earlier and tossed a blanket and a stroller out for us. They said it was only place open to leave a blanket at 11:30! The parade starts at 2:00! Next year, I suppose I will drive to town SUPER early and leave my stuff spread out.
We arrived about 1:00 and let the kids play on the playground for an hour.
Swiper, the orange fox, was a bit brown and dirty by parade time. But that was okay. The kids had fun, we had good seats, and no tantrums were thrown. Our buddies Sarah, Brad, Chase and Brynn joined us this year too! Every year, our group gets a little bit bigger. I LOVE it.
Maybe next year it will even be warm?? Or I'll just remember that the temperature always drops ten degrees and the wind start gushing a few more miles an hour. 

The kids didn't mind though. They got TONS of candy. Seriously, there is no need for trick or treat after attending the Rossford Halloween parade. Or in my case, no need to buy candy to pass out for trick or treat. :)
Firetrucks are always the favorite. (2nd to getting candy)
The Hillbilly floats create chuckles.
The horses were beautiful.
The motorcyclists have the best costumes.
Speaking of motorcycles...even Grandpa made it!
Although he wanted to bring his camera and take some of his excellent pictures....he knew better than to push himself.
(that is until he went home and tried to mow the lawn. Grandpa can't handle limitations)
 We waved to some mascots!
 This fantastic parade was almost an hour long!

MORE horses!
I told Tim to get in this event next year...
We all know these guys. They tossed out their famous cookies!

Another great parade and an afternoon of fun!
Stuffed full of candy and no nap was even MORE fun when we got home.
So we made up some burgers....
and we relaxed on the couch before an early bedtime.

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