Monday, October 10, 2011

Prepping dinner with fine motor skills

Yesterday, I finally was invited to join Pinterest. 
I stayed up way too late getting lost looking at crafts and snacks and holiday fun!

I was hoping to do a craft tonight with Gavin that I found, but instead I got stuck in traffic for way too long after work. By the time I picked him up from daycare and got home, dinner had priority. But then I remembered a clever little dinner idea I saw last night while perusing the pins. An idea with things I certainly had on hand...

And Gavin was going to help me!
(I'd explain the process, but I believe the pictures are self-explanatory)
Prepping dinner and getting fine motor skill practice in one!
 Tossing them in the boiling pot.
(That I moved to the sink and only allowed him to drop one in at a time to avoid splashing)
 8 minutes later
 Quick and easy dinner
He hasn't cleaned his plate in weeks. was spotless!

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