Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Can't argue with that

Me: "What are we going to have for breakfast this morning?" 
"You want to try some eggs." (as he is playing with a plastic egg)

Gavin: "Noooo, we can't eat eggs. The chickens will bite us."

Me: "What chickens?" ( I haven't caught on yet where this conversation is going.)

Gavin: "The chickens that will hatch out of the eggs!"

Me: "Ooohhh, so no on the eggs."
 "So chickens come from eggs, huh?" 

Gavin: "Yes."

Me: "Do you know where hamburgers come from?"

Gavin: "McDonalds"

Me: {sigh} "Yes, but did you know that hamburgers come from cows?"

Gavin: {very sure of himself} "No Mommy, MILK comes from cows!"

Right. OK, then.

Me: "Waffles sound OK?"

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