Sunday, July 22, 2012

A 4th birthday and a cook-out in Catawba!

My second Saturday off work, so we once again, made a great day of it!

We hung out at home and leisurely got ready for the day eating a late breakfast picnic in the living room and playing with monster trucks...the excitement hasn't completely worn off yet from yesterday.

Then we hopped in the car to attend Kyle's 4th birthday party!
Kyle and Gavin are buddies at daycare.

Kyle's dad built him a new play-set for his birthday!
It's pretty darn cool!
Eating some favorites....carrots and watermelon.
Hey, we were just happy they ate anything.
Because cake was next!
Happy Birthday to you, Kyle!
Followed by some pinata time!!
The pull-string kind.
It's safer, but I think I will still try and make a pinata for Gavin again this year.
It was part of his highlight swinging the bat :)
(I need to start getting ideas now!)
It was a pull-string, but it was PACKED with candy.
TONS of candy.
Open my present first, Kyle!
Gavin was just as excited to watch Kyle open his gifts, as if they were his own!

He got some Monster trucks! 
And was refusing to have any pictures of him taken ;)
Know what is REALLY cool to do with monster tucks?
Race them down your slide.

Good times! Unfortunately, we couldn't stay longer after the party to hang out and swim some more, because we had to get home and change for a cook-out.
Sure, we could have bailed on the cook-out, but then we wouldn't have been able to play in this bouncy house!
Or roasted marshmallows for s'mores!
Loving the long stick. It's safer around the ol' fire.
But it's NOT safer when you think your marshmallow is done and you go to turn around with such a large piece of tree branch and a burning ball of sugar!
We had rules. Wait for Mommy to come assist you with turning around to have your s'more assembled.
Turns out, Gavin doesn't like s'mores. Mommy ate it.
He prefers a cold marshmallow, a piece of chocolate and a graham cracker...unassembled.
I brought some sparklers to the event.
I had bought a ton at Kroger on sale, and obviously with the rain on the 4th, we barely had touched any of them. Kids loved them!
This dude was incredible assisting with the lighting of them for all the kids.

We went through about 50 of them. I had another box, but decided to pretend they were all gone.
Eventually enough is enough.
It was getting late and caution was starting to wear....
They boy who at one point used to hate grass, now hates to wear shoes this summer.
I will learn camera settings someday. Probably not any day soon. But someday.
But you get the idea.
Loving the sparklers!
I actually kinda like this one. It's super blurry except for Gavin.
The kids did very well waiting in line to get their sparklers lit. Poor dude (sorry dude, until I ask your permission, you remain nameless...this IS the Internet), I think he about went blind lighting so many.
But the cost was worth it!
I SO wish I could have got a picture of the yard. The kids would wait in line to get lit...then start walking through the yard careful not to get close to one another. There were circles being drawn everywhere. I'm talking 10+ kids going at once!
Long drive home, but again, so worth it!
Two nights in a row of this :)
He'll be up at the crack of dawn....I just know it.

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