Sunday, July 15, 2012

There's a frog in the pool!!

Saturday we went to our summer, home away from home, to swim.
Once the wading pool was filled we discovered a little friend!
The pool is filled from the quarry, so occasional friends DO get sucked in. It's the first time I've seen a frog, though. Small fish are the common encounters.

(This is only when the pool is first filled. Then creatures are returned to their home and chlorine is added for swimming.)

 The kids were fascinated, yet cautious.
 So I climbed in and grabbed him.
 See guys, he's nice. He's just a little guy. He doesn't hurt.
Pressly was the first to brave and touch it with a quick one fingered poke.
But when I put him down they squealed and shuffled away.
They became venturesome once I demonstrated how to pick him up once more.
Just slide your hand under him and lift your hand. He will sit.
I promise.

This poor creature had to be stressed to the MAX!
After they each had a turn of catching and releasing him a few times, he was carefully walked down to his home in the great big water.
But they sure did have fun for a little bit!

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