Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday Funday

Gavin got home today around 1:00 and we enjoyed every minute of the afternoon until the storms hit.
...and we got home seconds before it hit.

But earlier...

Bubbles still make us happy.
Wearing an inner-tube while blowing bubbles is just funny.
Me laughing at him, made him laugh and act a crazy boy.
Then we heard something....
"Look, Mommy! A firetruck is on our street!"
After a few belly flops {OUCH!!} we went inside to cool off and watch Happy Feet Two.
We got about 15 minutes into the movie when we decided to go down the street and swim some more.
In a BIG pool.
This pool is the perfect size for these kids! Even I got in for a little bit :)
Gavin eventually mastered getting in and out by himself. First attempt was less then graceful....haha. I would have gotten a picture, but I was leaping from my seat to make sure he was OK!
He also learned how to go under water!
I wish I would have gotten a picture of him doing it. I tried to teach him how to hold his nose, but his version, is just putting his hand over his mouth and nose. Kinda like when you sneeze. It's hilarious and there is no way it's effective in keeping the water out.
Fun in the sun can be exhausting.
Perhaps a 30 second nap is in order.
Thanks for inviting us down, Kaylee!!
We LOVE your new pool.

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