Friday, July 20, 2012

A mid week dinner playdate

With the Cornell family!
When we have guests, I go cuisine to impress!
Chicken nuggets and tator-tots!
Gavin split when he noticed I had the camera.
Boys will be boys
Charity and Jace.
A little monkey time.
The *real* object of the game is to get the least amount of monkeys...Kasen knows this.
Gavin and Jace think it's more fun to get the most monkeys.
Kind of a win-win, since that way everybody wins--in their own interpretive way.
I was just happy to see them taking turns :)
It wouldn't be a complete evening at our house without coloring a beautiful picture.
We wanted ONE picture of all the kids on the couch.
Believe it or not, this was the best one.
Next time, time.
Gavin only wanted to take a picture with me. But you can see his enthusiasm here as well.
It was almost 9:00.
Thank you so much for spending an evening with us, Charity, Kailey, Kasen and Jace!!
I really hope you can come back soon!

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