Wednesday, July 4, 2012


What a tough time we had with fireworks this year! 
Our first attempt was to see them from the country club near my parents on Sunday night...cancelled.
So, we did see them Monday night. Late. On a school/work night. Tuesday morning was rough.
Tuesday night was the big Perrysburg/Maumee celebration. We walked down to watch from the riverside and got caught in the RAIN! It didn't last long. It sure didn't scare us off, but fireworks were delayed FOR-EV-ER!! They didn't start until after 10:30! While it was a nice peaceful walk home pulling Gavin in his wagon, we didn't get home and to bed until nearly midnight! Thank goodness for holidays off work :)

Here's some pics ...

This is me attempting to write Gavin's name with a sparkler....I got GAV in. Can you see it?

  Gavin ran around me couple times.
 Body tracing...
 And finally the fireworks on Monday evening!!

 I stopped at Kroger on the way home Tuesday for some more sparklers and also picked up these rockets.
 Whooooops!! They were just smoke rocket thingies! Not fun. Kinda smelly. Ick.
You're welcome, neighbors, for the colorful show.
 Having a quilt down to save our spot by the cannons came in much more handy as an umbrella then something to sit on :)
Rain only lasted a few minutes. After the initial pour down, Gavin ventured to catch some raindrops.
Then insisted I take his picture!
But when Grandpa wanted a picture, he said "No, only one picture. And only my Mommy can take it." Little stink bug! Sorry, Grandpa.
 He did allow for ONE more picture if I was IN it with him :)
 Best, most comfy seat in the house!!
Only this kid could fall asleep during the grand finale!!
Only to wake up on long walk home and be a bundle of energy before midnight!

Happy 4th of July!!

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