Monday, July 16, 2012

I like the way he thinks

Yesterday morning it was still a tad too early to head to the quarry. It was barely after 8:00am. Gavin was wound up and I wanted to get a few things done before going....such as laundry, sweeping up the kitchen, you know, the everyday house tasks that just don't get done in a timely matter with my current schedule. (Which will be changing next week. Yes!)

Anyway, to keep him busy for an hour, I suggested he pick out a movie to watch. He picked the Little Mermaid. I'm not sure he's ever watched it all the way through. Yesterday morning was no different, but it helped for a little bit.

He did apparently watch enough to understand the whole mermaid thing.

We were walking through Target to pick up a puddle jumper on our way to the quarry. As we were walking towards the back of the store we had to pass by the women's brassieres. They were colorful, striped and polka dotted...not the old lady white kind.

Upon walking by and looking over at them, he informs me:

"Mommy, this is where mermaids get their clothes!!"

Mermaids get their tops at Target. Now you know.

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