Saturday, July 21, 2012

Midwest Monster FUN!

Recall back in March we went and saw some Monster trucks at the Huntington Center. Indoors.
It was fun, Gavin loved it, but it was inside and limited.
Remember I also said I'd bet my bottom dollar?

So guess what? Monster trucks came to Toledo Speedway!
We were going!
It wasn't even my bottom dollar. A donation made it possible to get to this event!
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa, and Grandpa Buzz!
(it wasn't expensive-Gavin was free)
And our friends were able to join us!
It was much needed fun!

I mean c'mon... The Ice Cream Man was there!
 And all these big guys!
For five dollars, you could get a ride in a real Monster Truck!
And these kids sat patiently waiting their turn.
 Gavin was so excited that he wore his headphones from the moment we got in the car.
Watching the motorcycles zoom around while waiting in line.
Almost our turn!
Yeah!! We are IN a monster truck.
Five bucks bought you a ride around the track AND a few donuts!!
Get it girl! A girl monster truck!
 Gobbling up his favorite thing in the world.
I made him eat all his cheeseburger and fries first. I'm so mean.
Donut competition!
Here's a shot of the Monster Truck rider.
Yah, we rode on that!
Getting towed away. Something misfired...or something.
I'm not a mechanic. I don't know what happened.
Mountaineer stopped running though.
Boys getting restless between events.
But still having fun!
They are both huggers :)
Excellent! Dreams do come true...they got to see a Monster Truck CRASH!
Look at these crazy motorcycle riders.
Which one of also went down hard...but I missed that picture.
Believe it or not, I don't have my camera in my hand all the time.
Wash 'em good, buddy. This is a very public restroom.
 This is fun, Mom!
Multiple intermissions caused a little loss of interest towards the end. Or maybe it was just getting too late.
Shortly after 9, they grew restless again.
Thanks Sarah, for the idea to give them chocolate and sugar!
The chocolate and sugar kept them occupied until the end, but the candy didn't phase. Little man was PASSED OUT two minutes into the drive home.
It was late. We got home nearly 11:00PM.
Totally worth it though!
Excellent night!

Especially as I emptied my cinch bag and found a hotdog inside when I got home.

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