Friday, July 13, 2012


Big box of sand + Ninety degree weather = VERY sand-tastic, indeed!

Ey-yi-yi, it was hot. But oh, so worth it!

Especially when you get out of school early and bring your best buddy with you!
 First things first.
The BIG sand box.
Jammed packed with sand toys.
"Mommy! This feather was in the sandbox."
"Feathers don't go in sand."

Thanks, buddy. I'll make sure I dispose of it for you.
Next up, making a craft.
Turned into stringing beads on a pipe cleaner for Gavin.
 He made a bracelet.
 I added this picture because this little boy next to him was also named Gavin, and this is what Gavin had to say ...

"I'm Gavin Johnson, what Gavin are you?" upon learning they had the same name.

Showing off their craftiness from under the table. It was easier then working our way around the table :)
Car races!
You picked your matchbox car and picked your lane. 
Then they raised the starting bar and if your car won you picked prize!
If your car lost you also picked a prize.

Everyone loves a dum-dum!
Running is essential when in open places as well.
But it was HOT. No coaxing needed. They both sat down to cool off together in the shaded hallway.
For about 45 seconds until they started goofing off.
Gorilla walking.
Pressly's mom was inside getting her free Starbucks drink. I was happy to keep them *somewhat* calm in the hallway for a few minutes out of the sun.
Making wishes!
Then trying to retrieve thrown penny!
Lesson learned. 
Carry more pennies.
So they each got a dime. 
No retrieving coins from the fountain you two!
Quenching thirst.
Going on an off path adventure.
And finally the inflatables!
No bubble/splash areas set up today. At least at when it first started when we were there.
Big man can climb up the steps himself finally!!
And slide
And slide
 And slide.
But MAN, it was so hot we went in the bathroom to cool off!
Love air conditioned bathrooms.
No joke.
No, I do NOT let him crawl around on the floor in public bathrooms. But when they lock the door and crawl out, I make them go back in and unlock it before leaving.

That's just not cool to leave it locked.
Then we washed our hands REAL good and headed off to his haircut appointment.

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