Monday, July 16, 2012

The BIG leap.

He finally got IN the quarry!!
Don't mind the girls puddle jumper, apparently they are super popular and sold out everywhere.
I found two after going to four or lime green.

It keeps him afloat, so who cares what color it is, right?
Not only did he get IN the quarry, he went off the diving board!!!
I couldn't believe it!!
He watched everyone else doing it and wanted to go!
(great picture Nessa, I look like I'm trying to grab him back)
Perhaps I was.
 He's still not real comfortable not being able to touch anything with his hands or feet.
He had to have someone right next to him.
Which is OK! He's making great strides as it is...he's IN THE QUARRY!

Going to hit up the neighbors pool a bunch and get more comfortable in a large pool before the big quarry party in two weeks.

Way to go, Gavin!!
Let's celebrate with a Popsicle :)

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