Thursday, July 26, 2012

Catching sun

Our picture window has been seriously slacking the last few months. We have just been busy playing outside and doing other things. I'm sure we will get back into it once the weather starts to turn colder in a few months.

The neighbors have even begun to comment we haven't been changing it up lately ;)
(PS, thanks for noticing--makes me happy you all pay attention to our creativity)

So to capture the last few weeks/months of sun, I came across this fun idea.

AND I had a coupon at Hobby Lobby. 

All I had to pick up were some pony beads.

While this had the window in mind for decorating, it was a fun activity.
Gavin was very helpful sorting colors and single layering his beads into the pan.
Yep, that's all there is to this. Put the pony beads into a cake/cupcake/mini cupcake pan in a single layer. Then you bake them in the oven at 450 for about 10 min or so. Just keep an eye on it. You'll know when it's done. Oh...and open all your windows and doors. It will smell like melting plastic. If you have an electric it outside. I don't. My non-thinking self, did turn my gas grill on and set the cupcake pan on it. Then quickly realized....oh no, my pan is going to BURN. So I took it inside. 

Honestly, the first two "batches" didn't overpower the place.
At first they start to melt slightly....
 When they look like this they are done.
Not that long.
Next I did the cake pan size.

After about 5-7 min

Done---about 10-12 min

But the third set, sent us outside to walk for ice cream.
We walked to Hershey's with some friends!
Gavin learned how to push the crosswalk button.

And wait for the white man to light up that says you can walk.
Superman ice cream!

 Yah....he took two bites and was done. Typical.
 There were many toys to play with there.

Afterwards we walked over to Once Upon A Child to check a few things out.

We didn't buy anything, but we had a few laughs before walking home.
 When we got back, the smell was gone. I'm sure some febreeze would have done the trick quickly as well.

Grandpa picked up Gavin from school on Monday and brought his drill and some fishing line.
Because you know...the suncatchers need a hole through them, and fishing line to hang them up. Neither of which I have.

The drill was apparently loud, so Gavin put on his earphones.

(It wasn't loud--seriously--but I love that he did. He also puts them on when I use my hairdryer in the morning)
Strung and hung.

I tried several times...there isn't a way to get a nice picture of suncatchers hanging in a window.
They look pretty sweet though.

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